Love The Blackberry But Need More Apps

August 9th, 200912:06 am @ Angela Odom


BBappworldI love my Blackberry Storm. I know, I know, a lot of folks don’t like the Storm and its touch screen but I do and I think it is because I started out with an iPhone. But, unlike the iPhone, the Blackberry doesn’t have the nice apps like the ones I use on my iPhone. For instance, I would like a nice app that would allow me to edit photos on my Blackberry like Picoli for the iPhone.  The Blackberry has a 3 megapixel camera but it lacks some umph.  The iPhone takes better pictures and with the use of Picoli, images can be manipulated to add whatever umph was missing from the original photo.  Unfortunately, the Blackberry’s images pale in comparison and a nice photo app would be nice.  Waiting, waiting . . .

Another nice app I found on the iPhone but is missing on the Blackberry is Pixelpipe.  Love this app on the iPhone but there’s nothing available for the Blackberry.  With Pixelpipe and the iPhone I can upload images and video from my phone onto any of my social networking sites including blogs.   Love it but my lowly Blackberry is not on their A-list.

I have found some very nice apps in Blackberry’s App World and thankfully so.  For instance, Twitterberry was getting on my last nerve because I could not send an image to Twitpic and I could not see entire tweets.  Thankfully, after playing around with a few very bad apps, I found one I like and it is ÜberTwitter.  I can now see entire tweets, images of the tweeters, send direct messages and retweet, and I can upload images from the phone, albeit not to TwitPic.  ÜberTwitter has another app — which escapes me — but it works just as well.

Other apps on my Blackberry are Documents-To-Go, YouTube, Flickr and Facebook.  Let me tell you a little something about Facebook.  I almost deleted my profile on Facebook because my phone/calendar began picking up every event mentioned on Facebook — every event located any and everywhere in the world.  Thankfully I discovered an annoying option was set by default to include these events in my calendar.  FAIL!!  Do Not Want!!!

I’m going to keep an eye out and hope something comes up in the App World for Blackberry that is more along the lines of social media but, in the meantime, Blackberry, RIM, whomever, please come up with an app that will help that poor lowly camera so we can upload some decent images.  Thanks.  Bye.