The Clucks Have It!!!

December 10th, 20092:17 pm @ Angela Odom


chickenWell, besides cutting down on the emission of CO2, the clucks may be good for something else.

According to a new study conducted at the Anhui Medical University in China, chicken collagen type II (CCII) can provide relief from symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

The research team conducted their studies comparing traditional anti-rheumatic drug methotrextrate with CCII. “Patients who took CCII capsules showed considerably improved joint function and experienced milder side effects compared to those who went through the conventional western treatment.” Nature vs. chemicals wins again talons down.

“We’ve shown that CCII is a promising alternative therapeutic strategy that may be used as a nutritional supplement against rheumatoid arthritis,” said lead researcher Wei Wei.

With that, consider adding some wholesome cluck to your diet, along with a little fish oil. It’ll do you some good.

Source: Personal Liberty Digest — Compound Found In Chicken Can Relieve Arthritis Pain, Research Concludes